Design Aesthetics 6/3/2017 - Monday
What is Design ?
Our topic for today lesson is "What is Design ?". Dr.Tan told us that the origin word of design is " desegno ". So, can we said a key is a design ? The answer is , No ! It was not a design but a product. Dr.Tan explain to us that design is a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it's made. The meaning of design in Chinese is called "设计"(she ji). 设 is draw and 计 is plan, so it means a "drawing plan", a decoration pattern.
Beside that , we had learn 4 dimension of design. Designing often necessitates considering :
1. Aesthetics - Arts and philosophy
2. Functional - Psychology and engineering
3. Economical - Concerns about production cost
4. Social-Political - Social sciences