Design Aesthetics 27/2/2017 - Monday

As usual, Dr.Tan share his experience to us today. He told us that Tony Buzan (the Inventor of Mind Maps ) had visited UPSI on March 2011.

Tony Buzan

He is a guru in Mind mapping. He was invited by BSM to deliver a talk on creativity in teaching and learning. His fees was RM7500 per hours, and he limited the number of participants to maximum 200 per session. After that, Dr.Tan said he had give a talk about addiction in game playing at KDU University Collage. KDU paid him RM500. After that, we had start our lesson. We had learn three levels of emotional design, what is creativity, formula being creative, nine windows and how to measure creativity. We also discuss some marriage issue such as how much to spend when we get marriage, the rules of getting marriage in China and others. Before the end of the class, Dr.Tan ask us to do some research about the fees to spend to getting marriage in different state of Malaysia (13 state).

What is creativity ?

Creative means creating something out of nothing. To being creativity, we need capability and knowledge. For example, innovation. Innovation is the result or outcome of being innovative. Being innovative means transforming something to become better. All of this need capability and knowledge.

How to measure creativity ?

Formula of being creativity :

R = Pc x Pk x ( 1+m ) ( 1+t )

R  : Result                           Pc : Personal capacity / capability                        Pk : Personal knowledge
m  : Method                                   t : tool

*Pc & Pk is the most important things in creativity, although method and tool is important, but we can do nothing without personal capacity / capability and personal knowledge, we have no idea how to create something new or transform something become more better.


That’s a tool for being creative or innovative which is ‘Nine Windows’.

Example :

User, lecture hall, sound wave

Electricity, user, speaker, lecture hall, sound wave
Solarcell, user, lecture hall
Paper-based hailer

X (new product)
Cable, magnet, switch, mic head,
Super system 

                                                                                               Past                                             Present                                               Future

*  Super system ( other sistem that make it work )
    System            ( name of the subject )
    Sub-system    ( necessary system )
