Design Aesthetics 20/3/2017 - Monday
2 class had been combined today on 8 am because Dr.Tan need to attend for a meeting at KL. Today we had learn about Emotivism. It was someting that what we belive, ehat people believe than we believe it, based on feeling for example purely emotional and puree feeling (that is not point to arguing) , things that can't be prove it's right or wrong , for example ghost and god.
" How do prove your name is really your name ?" , "How can you sure that's your name ?" , "How can you prove that you are in reality but not a dream ?" , there are a few questions asking by Dr.Tan, it sounds like a weird question but it seems like not unreasonable. I never thought that someone will asking a questions like this, may be I will just show them my IC ? Haha.
What is emotion? Base on epistemological perspective, the emotions are treated as one of four ways of knowing, together with language,reason and perception. There are 6 primary emotions that are common to all cultures :
1. 😠anger
2. 😆surpriser
3. 😊 happy
4. 😱 fear
5. 😢 sadness
6. 😒 disgust